Online Fitness, tailored to you.

Fitness classes for women over 40: Become the expert on your own body.

Get fit, strong and future-proof.

When I hit my 40s, my body changed.

Despite being a personal trainer for 10 years, I noticed weight creeping on around my middle. Workouts which I’d previously loved left me feeling sluggish and depleted. I found it increasingly hard to stay toned and it felt I was going backwards with my fitness! I had entered the perimenopause and all the goalposts had moved.

I was determined that there had to be another way - it couldn’t possibly be all downhill from here! 🤯

It turns out (happily!) - THERE IS! I have spent the last few years doing a deep dive into how we can best train in our 40s and beyond in order to prepare our bodies and navigate the changes brought about by perimenopause and the menopause. I’ve learnt that if we train more intelligently, age is no barrier. We absolutely can be fitter and stronger than we were 20 years ago!

I am now in the shape of my life and feel I have an exercise plan which is going to see me through this next chapter, so I can still be bounding up the stairs in my 80s.

And I want to share my exercise programme with you.

Are you ready to join me?

What’s so special about my classes?

As we head through our 40s (and beyond), we need to switch up our training.

Research shows that in perimenopause and menopause, our weekly exercise programme should include strength training as well as some high intensity and plyometric (jump) exercises in small doses!

That sounds like a lot to include and there is so much conflicting information out there, which is why I’ve created my own online programme which incorporates all of these elements across two classes - HIIT (for that blast of the tough stuff!) and Strength (for that all important resistance training!).

I am always refreshing my knowledge with the most up-to-date research on exercise for women in perimenopause and menopause, quite simply, this is my passion and what I love to do, so you can be sure that you are getting a balanced programme that is tailored to women in our time of life.

Once you join my classes, I work with you to adapt and modify the exercises and the programme to your own unique body - this is where the real magic happens as you become the expert on your own body and what works for you.

If you’d like to read more about how best to train in perimenopause and the menopause, tap the button below!

The women who train with me say

It’s like having a PT in your pocket.

(But at a fraction of the cost!)

Sound good? Here’s how to join!

You can PAYG or you can sign up to a Monthly Membership, which is the best value for money AND means you don’t have to remember to book your classes each week! You also benefit from extra membership bonus classes and discounts 😍. Gift vouchers are also now available for my monthly class memberships!


When are your classes?

You can join my classes live or on demand:

  • Online HIIT classes are live on Wednesday mornings at 9.00am.

  • Online Strength classes are live on Thursday mornings at 9.00am.

  • All classes are 30 minutes.

  • If you can’t make the class live, I’ll send you the recording to catch up when it suits you over the next 7 days.

Do I have to do the classes live?

Nope! My online fitness classes are super-flexible. You can do the class anywhere from your phone, tablet or laptop.

After the live class, I send out the class recording so you can repeat the class again or catch up if you couldn’t make the live version. Recordings are on the cloud for 1 week.

What equipment will I need?

An exercise mat which is preferably non-slip will mean you’re more comfortable in class. In addition, for Strength I’d recommend starting with a pair of dumbbells which you can lift comfortably overhead for about 12 repetitions, and build from here. I’m always happy to offer advice before you buy, so please give me a shout!

Do I need to book?

Booking for all my classes is essential and subject to completion of my pre-exercise screening questionnaire (so I can make sure all the exercises are safe and effective for you).

You can book your classes on a PAYG basis, or you can buy an Online Monthly Membership

What’s the difference between your classes?

HIIT (or High Intensity Interval Training, to give it its full name!), includes both strength and cardio exercises using just our own bodyweight. Exercises are completed in short bursts (usually anywhere from 20-45 seconds), followed by short periods of rest. You will work hard, but in a good way!

Strength is a slower-paced class, but still challenging! I show you how to exercise using additional weight to help strengthen the entire body. I suggest starting with a pair of dumbbells which you can just about press overhead for around 12 repetitions.

Gift vouchers available!

Gift vouchers available! ⋆

Don’t just take my word for it! Here’s what my members say:


I know when I’m doing Carly’s classes, I’m ticking all the right boxes for my body. So much better than just picking a random workout from YouTube! Love, love, love hearing all the science around why what we’re doing is good for us - it definitely keeps me going!

— Hannah

“Carly’s knowledge is phenomenal and her kind and caring nature really shine through. She’s fun to be around and I fully intend to train with her for years to come. Thank you for helping me to love exercise and look forward to each session.

— Catherine

“HIIT is something I thought was completely beyond me (I’m in my mid 60s) but with Carly’s encouragement and advice, I have gradually built my strength and confidence. Thank you Carly for taking me out of my comfort zone and helping me to become fitter and stronger in later life. I couldn’t have done it without you. I feel like you’re cheering me on every time”

— Sally

Build a body that’s fit, strong and future proof.