6 week online fitness programmes to strengthen and tone your core during perimenopause and beyond.
It’s totally normal for our bodies to change shape once we’re over 40….
As our hormones shift and we enter the perimenopause years, our bodies respond by changing the way weight is distributed across our bodies and usually this ends up around our waistline.
I know first hand that this can lead to a real dip in our body confidence and many of us would just like to feel more toned around our middle!
Not only this, but many of us are grappling with niggly back pain and pelvic floor problems which can get worse as we go through the perimenopause, both of which can be helped by strengthening the core muscles.
I get so many messages from women saying that post-children they feel they have “no core” or that their posture is terrible, but it doesn’t have to be this way and it certainly doesn’t have to mean a steady decline as we get older.
In fact, doing regular core workouts can be a gamechanger for your body in the menopause transition and make all of your other workouts and your everyday activities so much easier.
This is why I put together PerimenoCore….
Here’s my story: In January 2023, I was experiencing all of these things: I was in perimenopause, had weight gain around my stomach and felt as though I had “no core” when I was running or doing other workouts. I was also struggling with chronic lower back pain. I decided to do something about it and had the idea to make it my New Year’s resolution to do 10 minutes of core exercises every day to see if it would make a difference….
The changes were HUGE (I even wrote a blog about it!) and I’m still doing it, over 2 years later!
Ab workouts are my number 1 request on Instagram and I am often asked for my routines, so I’m now sharing my favourites with you in the PerimenoCore programme.
These are the exercises that I do as a personal trainer in her 40s every single day to build a strong, toned core.
Here's what you get!
Here's what you get! 〰️
This is the OG programme and if you’re new to my core programme, start here!
You get 6 mini workouts (one per week), designed to strengthen and tone your whole core. Each are 5-10 minutes long, which makes them very easy to fit into your busy week and you don’t need any equipment.
I’ve designed the programme so that each week, you get a fresh mini routine which you will complete at least every other day. These means you should really get to grips with each of the exercises (but not get bored!). The workouts get progressively more demanding as the weeks go on, so that you can build your strength.
Each workout is yours to keep - you can download them with no faff and they don’t expire.
I’ve also included my top tips for getting the most out of your workouts - I’ve put all the gold in there so make sure you read it and refer back to it!
BONUS VIDEO: teaching you how to properly engage your core
FREE WORKOUT TRACKER: to keep you motivated and help you build a regular training habit in perimenopause and beyond, because consistency is our superpower!
These are workouts which work (just read the reviews below!). I promise you that if you stick with them for 6 weeks, you’ll see and feel the results!
You loved the original PerimenoCore so much, I created part 2! This is an advanced programme for you to start when you’ve built the foundations.
You get 6 mini workouts (one per week), designed to build on the original programme and take your core training to the next level. Each are 10 minutes long, which makes them very easy to fit into your busy week and you don’t need any equipment until week 6, when you’ll need a light to medium dumbbell or other weight.
As with the original, each week, you get a fresh mini routine which you will complete at least every other day. These means you should really get to grips with each of the exercises (but not get bored!). The workouts get progressively more demanding as the weeks go on, so that you can build your strength.
Each workout is yours to keep - you can download them with no faff and they don’t expire.
I’ve also included my top tips for getting the most out of your workouts - I’ve put all the gold in there so make sure you read it and refer back to it!
FREE WORKOUT TRACKER: to keep you motivated and help you build a regular training habit in perimenopause and beyond, because consistency is our superpower!
These are the workouts that I do every day. Yes they’re challenging, but I know you’re up for a challenge! Be consistent and this will take your core strength and tone to the next level!
Read the Reviews!
Read the Reviews! 〰️
“WTAF! After 6 weeks of swearing and sweating my way through PerimenoCore, my abs are in the best form they have been in years! It makes me feel more svelte - despite the fleshy layers above and even my teen got on board to do the exercises with me as she was so impressed at the impact! It’s a 10 from me!”
“I've really loved the Perimenocore workouts! I'm only on week 2, but it has been so easy to be consistent with short, effective and targeted exercises in the programme. I already feel more toned around my tummy area! Would highly recommend to anyone who is time poor and trying to add more exercise in the juggle!”
“I wanted to make my daily exercises more effective. And fun! So that I look forward to them and can keep doing them for the next 40 years.
This is exactly what I've got from Perimenocore. The classes are uniquely Carly - fun, motivating and effective. They're short and simple enough to do daily, long term.
After 6 weeks, I feel stronger, like I'm engaging my core properly and, aesthetically, have better muscle definition. More importantly, I feel confident I will keep up the daily exercises for the foreseeable future, adding weights if I want something more challenging and going back to basics when I need to.”
“I now feel like I 'own' my body in a way I never could have imagined. All my strength is now there, in the middle of my body, and it is what gets me through my day. I've always had a stiff lower back which I stretched out every day…. Recently I noticed that I have stopped doing that stretching, so I tried the stretch and realised that the dull ache pain in my lower back has completely gone away. It can only be because my lower back is now fully supported by a strong weave of core muscles. I have had it for years but now gone away. Incredible. I cannot wait to try the advanced sessions!”